Deborah Marlor Deborah Marlor

6 Months in a Passage

We have completed 6 months in our passage. What happened to making the trip in 3 months? Well that was a bit ambitious, and who knew that we would be challenged beyond most anything to date in our lives….

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Deborah Marlor Deborah Marlor

Simplicity Food & Snacks

Boat life is simple. Healthy food and snacks are served on Simplicity! A couple of ideas for a day or passage, and my favorite recipes for Quiche and Granola!

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Deborah Marlor Deborah Marlor

Who Told you No you can’t do that?

After completing my second open water Scuba dive, I am amazed that I just believed what I was told and never even tried. As a child and adult, I had a history of severe ear infections with ear drum perforations in each ear over 10 times. As a young adult I asked many times about being able to Scuba Dive and the doctor always would say no way, unless you want to be deaf. Well, clearly that leaves you little choice or does it?

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Deborah Marlor Deborah Marlor

Grateful, perspective and life!

I see the world differently after living on a boat for 5 years. What I truly appreciate about this opportunity is that I have my health, the man I love, and the simplicity of the day.
What is your ocean dream? Not saying it has to be a boat, it is your unique dream. What is your desire? A cabin in the mountains, an RV and visiting all 50 National Parks, traveling to Europe for a year, jumping on a cruise ship for 6 months, what would you love?

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Deborah Marlor Deborah Marlor

Life onboard at a time the world is filled with chaos!

It is 2021! We moved on to Simplicity in February 2016, wow its hard to believe where we have traveled and the adventures we have had. We both work so the other point to note is that we have very different careers, my husband is Solutions Architect with a Fortune 100 company, and I do business and life coaching. Before it was fashionable to be doing Zoom we were utilizing the technology and seeing the United States at 5 knots.

Most of the time life onboard is routine,

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See the world at 5 knots…