What I love about cruising…

Yesterday, as I backed Simplicity down the fairway at Great Harbor Cay and positioned the boat into our slip, I looked to the sailboat a slip over, the women sitting in the cockpit had her Covid mask on and a big floppy hat.  I had a knowing, I know her!  As the crew was maneuvering to get us tied off, I saw her remove her mask, it was Jeri R.  I had not seen her in over 10 years, she had been a friend, a business partner in a little e-commerce site, and snow and water ski fanatic.  Last seen, Boise, Idaho.  After, getting Simplicity situated our crew jumped off the boat after two days at sea, a big blow, and a powerful storm.  Jeri walked over to us, and we sat and talked, about our lives, our journey.  It was such a lovely, special coincidence.

Another love about cruising is the MacGyver syndrome.  Something breaks and you need a solution.  Its time to use creativity and whatever you have handy to solve the problem.  And when it works there is a sense of accomplishment, pride, and just simple awe.

Freedom – the true sense of leaving whenever you choose (apart from Mother Nature – dictating conditions).  No deadlines, schedules, or internet.  Ohh, the respite from the internet.  Allowing the wind to take you and guide you to your next destination.  Not having to be somewhere, at a specific time, just doing what is natural, not forced.  Your heart opens, and life feels good on!

Adventure – exploring new places, people, cultures, and food.  Find a new place to snorkel and finding a place to explore, what lies beneath the water?  Noticing the cleanliness of the water, the amount of sea life.  Finding a cave dive and seeing what lurks beneath the surface.  Willingness to do something you have never done before.  That good friend fear can show up, what will you do?  Do your thoughts stop you or do you march forward?  There is something so special about stepping outside that comfort zone and doing something new, something you have never done before.  Its satisfying, its that sense of accomplishment again.  Of all the business opportunities I have explored, I must admit that sense of accomplishment shows up more in this “cruising lifestyle” than ever before.


The journey is unique and personal


Sometimes it’s just simple…