Captain Deb has created a series of courses for those who are new to boating and sailing.
Sailing & Boating Basics OnDemand
Your timeframe your schedule. You will learn sailing and boating fundamentals, these essentials are not taught at other schools. A new fresh perspective that will keep you safe and enjoying your time on the water. This course is 5 hours full of information you can download, resources galore, apps, groups, video’s to use. Really get the feel for being on a boat, the things you don’t even know you will need to know. This course will save you time and money.
Cost is $129.95 per person
Staying Safe Underway
(Rules of the Road)
Learn the rules of road/waterways (ColRegs) so you and your family are safe out there. Basic understanding of Navigation aids, markers, buoys, Sound signals, Lighting, right of way, terminology and much more. Course is two 90 minute sessions.
Cost is $89.95 per person
with Reference Workbook
Charts and Chart Plotters
A new, fresh perspective to teaching you charts and chart plotters. Techniques you can use that will build confidence and knowledge. Course is three 90 minute sessions. All required items are listed with links to Amazon for fast delivery.
Cost is $139.95 per person
Check out the monthly schedule and list for new classes
NauticEd for the person wanting to learn to sail!
21st Century Sailing Education and International Certification and choose from 5000 boats for your next vacation!
Enjoy two free courses and start your sailing education www.nauticed.org
NauticEd courses are:
Self-paced, immediate feedback and assessment, low cost, great animation and video's to assist today's learning style. No books, paper tests and bad chalk talk.
Create your personal logbook and sailing resume.
Charter options
Choose the course individually or in a bundle
Your pace, 365 days a year!
Summer sailing…
Dream it.
It all begins with a desire. Now you can choose from sailing course bundles or individual NauticEd courses. Learn to sail and contribute as crew. Skipper small boat courses to Bareboat Charter up to Captain rank for those serious blue water sailing the world individuals.
Glouchester Harbor…
Sailing vacations..
5000 boats, 55 destinations world-wide. No fees, expert advice, Why? Because we have been there. Charter resources - A wealth of knowledge and advice on places, timing and what to take and expect.