Sailing Out
Gloucester Tall Ships
The Mooring field in Marblehead. I love the sailing in the Northeast, it’s beautiful. The land and beautiful homes overlooking the bays, the boats, the changing weather, yep there is good sailing to be had! Perhaps the only complaint is the season is not long enough. We traveled North to Gloucester to another mooring field where we ran into several “tall ships” from Key West. They were there for some annual racing. I love how the water taxi’s come to your boat and pick you up, its fun to talk to the Captain, and pick up the passengers and meeting other sailors from all over the world. The town of Gloucester is a classic New England port. The history is in every nook and cranny. The lobster is amazing and melts in your mouth. We sailed out of Gloucester and headed to Rockport. The sail was spirited and Simplicity did her job well. We passed the lighthouse and continued to the channel where the land blocked the wind and everything calmed down nicely. We had to wait for another boat to leave port. We had a floating dock about 12 feet long to tie off. The HarborMaster and his wife, came out to greet us in their Whaler. We went to shore with them, and walked the town. I had been there as a child and not a thing had changed. The next morning, we headed North to Maine. We sailed past the Isle of Shoals and then into Pepperell Cove, MA. We waited for the water taxi from Fisbee’s Wharf to come and get us, it was a beautiful day. We spent the afternoon, chatting with the new owner and Manager, Donna Ryan. What a great time! Back to Simplicity for a good nights sleep and off early for Gloucester. All in all, a great Labor weekend.